How did Lust Minerals become Australia's favourite Clean Beauty Brand? Interview with Founder Stacey Hollands

Stacey Hollands, Lust Minerals CEO and Founder created Lust Minerals 7 years ago with the mission to help over 1 million women worldwide take control of their skin and in turn, their overall health. Today, 7 years on, Lust Minerals is providing cleaner alternative beauty products to women worldwide. What began as simply makeup products has now evolved to include skincare products, body products and beauty supplements, all with the vision to improve the health and wellbeing of women while improving their confidence in their true selves.
We chatted with Stace to find out more about her journey over the past 7 years and how she has made Lust Minerals the successful business it is.
Did you imagine Lust Minerals to be what it is today when you sold your first product 7 years ago?!
"I love this question. To be honest, yes, I am a visionary and I gravitate to manifesting my life to where it is today. In saying that, to the extent and the growth we have had, possibly not. It has been such a journey and every hurdle and year has just snowballed. Not only the growth of Lust but the growth of myself has been incredible and I am so proud. I now have 2 beautiful children and have grown personally so much. My confidence, my leadership and my excitement is something I'm most proud of."
What have been 3 of your biggest lessons over the past 7 years?
"Team culture is everything. After personally being in such a dark place with lack of confidence from the early days, the team we had was challenging. It is certainly a journey and I am so proud of the team culture and the team we have within our Lust Minerals family, we are all on the same mission to create something beautiful. "
"Getting really clear on our values, our mission and our vision and really creating a community so we aren't just another brand. We stand out for our education, our inspiration and we love to empower women all around the world."
"My own personal growth is one of my proudest achievements. Advancing in leadership, confidence and clear direction."
What keeps you motivated every day?
"I am so passionate about helping women all over the world and truly educating them to be the best version of themselves. We only have one life, live it to the fullest in the cleanest possible way. Seeing the amount of women all over the world who we have helped with confidence and skin issues and getting messages thanking us truly makes my heart sing. I love to give and I love to inspire, this is my absolute calling."
How did you make it this far? Are there any secrets to success?
"I never give up, I love a challenge. It encourages me to find a solution and learn and grow to be better and do better. My passion for helping women and bringing awareness to a cleaner lifestyle and also having a true purpose. We value our customers above profits and I believe that is so important."
What are your keys to growing a brand?
"Really understanding your customer, your target market and knowing your numbers for scaling. I also believe our passion for helping women worldwide and having a clear mission has been a great help. Influencer marketing and FB ads are also driving points of business."
What are your goals/vision for Lust over the next 7 years?
"For Lust Minerals we will be known for the best clean beauty products worldwide that not only look and feel beautiful but perform like no other clean beauty products. Growing a team of like minded individuals on a mission with Lust Minerals to make a difference."
If you could give any advice to people starting their business journey, what would it be?
"Get clear on your vision, your mission and your goals.
Understand your values and really understand your product and the target audience.
I always suggest starting with a business plan to the best of your abilities and then work your way backwards. Start with weekly achievable goals you can tick off and make progress towards.
And remember we only have one life. Live it how you imagined."
To find out more about Stacey and Lust Minerals you can follow Stace on Instagram here and Lust Minerals here.